

ISO Certification Information

Management Philosophy and Policy

【Management Philosophy】 

Quality: We are committed to manufacturing products that satisfy our customers and provide stable quality
Environment: We aim to be a nature-friendly company and continuously improving the environment

【Management Policy】

Strive to propose quality-based manufacturing and cutting edge technology
Strive to develop environment-friendly technologies and to discover harmony with the international community
Strive to create a bright and vibrant workplace

Acquired ISO9001 Certification

We have obtained ISO 9001:2015 certification, an international standard for quality assurance. (*1: Obtained for headquarter and Kibi Plant)

【Quality Policy】

In order to realize the management philosophy of "committing to manufacturing products that satisfy our customers and provide stable quality" and the management policy of "striving to propose quality-based manufacturing and cutting edge technology," all employees, including the president, will actively work on the establishment, operation, and continuous improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system based on ISO9001, and aim to clarify the responsibilities and authorities, and establish standardized operations. Specifically, the following matters will be executed.

- We will comply with the customer requirements of ISO9001 and strive to improve customer satisfaction.
- Clarify the inspection standards at each manufacturing stage and always provide products that satisfy the customers.
- Set quality targets and actively develop activities to achieve them.
- Through internal and external education and training sessions, we will cultivate the technical and management skills of our employees and establish a high-level organizational structure at all times.
- We will strive to continuously improve our quality management system by regularly analyzing and reviewing the information from our customers and suppliers, information regarding preventive measures and product inspections, etc.

Acquired ISO14001 Certification

We have obtained ISO14001:2015 certification, an international standard for quality assurance. (*2: Obtained only for headquarter)

【Basic Policy on the Environment】

Recognizing that preserving the irreplaceable earth environment is one of the most important issues that is common to all mankind, and we will strive to improve the environment.

From a global perspective, we will work to reduce our environmental impact by concentrating our collective efforts in all our corporate activities, including development, purchasing, production, sales, and services related to our products.
In addition, in principle, we shall not use harmful chemical substances in our products.
In the unlikely event that hazardous chemical substances are used, we will deliberate and take appropriate measures to work on environmental conservation.

As a good corporate citizen that is a part of society as a whole, we will actively engage in the environmental conservation activities of the local communities and society.

Through all of our corporate activities, we will contribute to society and recognize that the use of resources such as energy has an impact on the environment. All our employees will work together to implement and maintain activities to preserve the local and global environments.

【Environmental Policy】

We will evaluate the impact of our business activities to the environment, set improvement targets for important technical and economical items to the fullest extent possible, review them regularly, and strive to continuously reduce our environmental impact.

We will comply with the laws, ordinances, agreements, and industry requirements related to the environment, establish voluntary management standards to the fullest extent possible, and strive to prevent further environmental pollution.

We will prioritize the following initiatives:

- Enhance environmental management and continuously strive to improve the environment
- Promote resource conservation and recycling, and strive to reduce waste
- Promote energy conservation, reduce CO2 emissions, and strive to prevent global warming
- Strive to prevent environmental pollution by controlling the emission of environmentally hazardous substances
- We will disclose our environmental information, such as the implementation status of our environmental management, both inside and outside the company, and strive to have mutual understanding with the local communities and society as a whole.

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